Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Another Dream

I was upnorth, perhaps in Azad Kashmir. We were all staring at the sky. It seemed like God had painted the sky on Corel Painter using Van Gough as an inspiration. There was the sun and the moon moving across the sky in a time lapse. Eclipses were happening. They were beautiful. I was standing in the crucified pose again and felt this bullet enter my brain. I fell to the ground and was dying in the arms of this best friend of mine I used to have a crush on during art school. As the last drops of life dripped away from my body, she was still there, holding me in her arms. She was even there as a gravestone moved over our heads and sealed us in the ground below. She didnt move from my side. I recited the Kalima as the last thing before dying and as the first thing when I came back to my senses.

What followed was a blur of people around me doing magic, witchcraft and emotional blackmail just to get me to not do what I was destined to do. What it was I was destined to do I was desperately trying to figure out in my dream until I heard the words " Apnee awaz bulund karo" which translates as "you need to raise your voice and be heard".

What was it that I had to say which is so important that it must be heard by millions around the world? Whats the message? Who is it from? And more importantly, why have I been chosen as the messenger? And then it all came back to me.

Truth, beauty, freedom, love. Earth, wind, water, fire, love. Love is the fifth element. If only we as humans showed compassion for our brothers and sisters here on Earth, if we showed each other love, this world would be a better place to be in. If only we could grow our own food from the Earth below, if we went back to the basics, maybe, just maybe, we wouldn't spend our entire lives being just another rat in the rat race; trying to make more and more money for needs we really dont have.

One is equal to nine is equal to twentyseven. The game shall go on for a few more eternities between God and the devil if somehow something isn't realized by us. What is that secret that is being kept from us? Are the dynamics of the universe as I really think they are. No, perhaps. This is only my conjecture. But it is conjecture based on solid reasoning.

I don't know what the message really is. This was a blurred summary of the feeling I had when I woke up last night. All I can say for certainty is that I am one dream closer to being the man I was destined to be.

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